The Seize Hope Project

I remember when we were in the midst of I.S.  It was a terribly sad and depressing time.  I remember frantically doing research, trying to educate myself about the condition, what medications and treatments could be used to help, and trying desperately to find just a glimmer of hope.   But, everything I read seemed to re-iterate the same awful fate. Thankfully, since then, I’ve learned there are a wide variety of positive outcomes.  But, the parents of recovering kids are busy moving on, so they don’t frequent the forums like they did when their child was sick. Sadly, that means that those in the midst of I.S., those who desperately need a glimmer of hope, don’t get it when they need it. I would like to change that. I would like to “Seize Hope” for all the families of I.S. babies. That’s why I’m starting the Seize Hope Project.

If you would like to share your child’s story, please go to the website and fill out the form!


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